




有人在FB上问了“What would a Louis and Lestat wedding be like?”通过出版编年史新书就看得出来,安妮大妈最近苏心又起啊(*ノωノ)于是在回答中描绘了莱斯特和路易的婚礼
What would a Louis and Lestat wedding be like?
“If Lestat and Louis were to marry, it would take place in the private chapel of Lestat’s chateau in France. They would likely both wear their favorite velvet frockcoats— Lestat in red, Louis in black — in the old style, with a lot of white pearl studded lace at the throat and at the cuffs…and they would speak their vows in a reverent whisper, and Marius, in a long simple burgundy colored velvet robe, would preside. They would exchange gorgeous and priceless emerald rings.
The chapel would be filled with candles, incense, and white roses and white lilies, and all the closest of the vampire kindred would be invited, and the venerable old ones, including the great Servraine, Gabrielle, Gregory, and Lestat’s body guards, Thorne and Cyril, and other elders.
Armand in finest burnt gold brocade and lace would be best man for Louis. David Talbot in dark hunter green velvet and white linen would be best man for Lestat. A choir of Vampire boys led by Notker would sing a cantata from Bach: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimmer — the Chorale or first part. 
Then a great ball would take place in the grand or great hall of the chateau: with Notker conducting a vampire orchestra and Antoine playing first violin and occasional solos.Benji would make a speech; so would Gregory; and also Gremt Stryker Knollys. And also Jesse. And others.
After the first dizzying Tchaikovsky waltz and a few other Viennese waltzes, there would be a lot of Greek side by side taverna dancing on the part of the vampires, male and female, to Greek taverna music (electronic mandolins), and then the great arched windows of the ball room would be thrown open and those who could take to the air would go out in pairs and groups to hunt in Marseilles amongst the pimps and the dope peddlers.
(There wouldn’t be too many young ones at the ball, as given their need to hunt, and their inability to defy gravity, they cannot spend long nights in the country; Lestat permits no hunting in Lyon or the neighboring French towns of his old homeland. So they would send their regards from Paris, London, Marseilles, Berlin, Rome, etc. )
It could happen.”

然后我自己翻译了一下,几乎是直译,渣水平,看个大概意思就好( 。ớ ₃ờ)ھ
“路易和莱斯特的婚礼会是什么样的?”如果莱斯特和路易结婚,那会在莱斯特法国古典城 堡的私人小教堂里举行—他们可能都穿着他们最喜爱的天鹅绒双排扣大衣–莱斯特穿红色,路易穿黑色–穿着是那种很老式 的,在领口和袖口镶嵌着很多白色珍珠的花边。并且他们会用一种虔诚私语说着他们的誓言。 马瑞斯穿着长的简约的深紫红色的天鹅绒长袍礼 服,他会是主持婚礼的人。他们会交换光华灿烂,不可估价的祖母绿的戒指。 小教堂会被蜡烛,香火以及白色的玫瑰和白色的百 合花所布满。并且所有的最亲近的吸血鬼同族都会被邀请。还有被尊敬的那些古老的吸血鬼们,包括伟大的 Servraine,加百列,格雷戈里,索尔,西塞尔和其 他的长者。 阿曼德穿着最好的烫金绸缎和花边,是路易的伴郎,大卫泰伯特穿着深森林绿丝绒和白色亚麻,是莱斯 特的伴郎。一个被诺克特尔领导的吸血鬼男孩唱诗班会唱巴赫 的清唱剧(大合唱)。【只翻译了前半段,好多人名我都不记得了就直接翻了,原话很唯美,我就大白话地直接翻译过来了,看个意思就行表拍】

  随之一场盛大的舞会将会在豪华宽阔的大厅举行——诺特克(Notker)带领着一组吸血鬼管弦乐队,而安东尼(Antoine)作为首席小提琴手并偶尔独奏。班吉将致辞,另外格里高利(Gregory)、Gremt Stryker Knollys、杰西和其他人同样致辞。
  在第一个令人目眩的柴可夫斯基华尔兹和一些其他的维也纳华尔兹之后,随着Greek taverna音乐(电子曼陀林),一部分男性和女性吸血鬼肩并肩地跳起Greek taverna舞。那时舞厅的巨大拱形窗户将会打开,那些吸血鬼便会走入黑夜成群结队地在马赛的皮条客与毒贩间进行狩猎。
安妮大大甜哭了好吗,黑红配太美有木有!!!阿曼德是路易的伴郎真的好吗,不会当众抢婚?( • ̀ω•́ )✧要是抢婚了是抢莱斯特呢还是路易呢,阿曼德陷入了深思😂😂😂



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